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A man that walks on the sea

Dear reader, I have been one to boast that I have read the bible so many times as a little girl and oh, I think I pretty much know what's it's about and what it says. Especially for the book of John. Even as a young adult, I have had myself read the gospel of John to know it. Except, I realise I wanted to mark that I have read it so I could move to the next. So, this time I thought, let me do this a little differently. I ventured to start reading the book of John. But this time, I asked God to be with me. I didn’t want to study the word in a hurry. I wanted to do it bit by bit-to really know what God is speaking to my life through the word. How am I supposed to be an imitator of Christ if I don’t really know how he led his life? Today, I was just continuing from John 6: 15 - 21. I will quote from verse 18: "…then the sea arose because a great wind was blowing. So, when they had rowed about 3 or 4 miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near the boat; a

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