Be Intentional

 Dear reader,

It's been a while. I understand. I just couldn't get myself to write and put my writings here. I thought I was too busy to do so. And let me tell you, when you look for excuses, you will find them. Positive or negative. I kept on postponing it. And its February 23. I didn't even get to write any valentines article. 

There are so many things that at the end of the day, I find myself wishing I had done. I think really, the big contributing factor to such happening repeatedly is just my mind. I don't plan to do the things I want to, so I don't. I only do the things that I absolutely have to. The work activities I need to get done. Chores at home. But personal things? Mostly just daily hygiene things like taking a bath, feeding myself and brushing my teeth. And so I said to myself... 

'Plan for things. Change doesn't just happen. You have to want it. You have to decide to do what needs to be done. You have to be intentional about what you want to achieve. It will take a while to feel like it or maybe never really. But just push yourself to do it. Put the things you want to do in writing. When you see it in writing, you are more likely to achieve it than when its just a thought swimming in your head.'
Photo credit: Glenn Carstens-Peters

But I always have this question, how can I do it though. I mean, with work and everything else, can I actually have time? I have found that when I write a to do list at the beginning of the day or the night before, I somehow make room for them. I plan and actually do them. It helps. Unlike just thinking I want to do this, not do it and then go to bed feeling bad and saying aaargh, I wish I did that. 

Photo credit: SIphotography

My point? Be intentional. Change doesn't just happen. It happens when you do. 

Photo credit: Brett Jordan

Until next time, say CHEESE!


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