Just keep going

Dear reader,

I have been working out for the past 3 weeks. I decided I was either going to be fine with my body weight and how I felt about it or work out to be as I want-fit. No complaining. So I did. I wake up at 5am or half 4. Work out then take a shower. Afterwards, I prepare for work. I sometimes skip on Saturday or Sunday just to rest my body.

Either be happy with what you are or work for what you want. No complaining!

My uncle goes running every Saturday morning. Most Saturday mornings. And he was just sharing how he covered a 16km distance last week. What? Did you hear that? 16km!on foot! No way. But he did. That same day, two of my lovely aunt's also went running. It was their first time doing so. They marvelled at how good they felt afterwards. That was worth it. Totally. I didn't get it.

I had just started concentrating on my legs during my work outs. They hurt that week. I didn't want to go running. But after the work outs I did this week, I told myself I was ready to run.

I was awake at 5am today to prepare. We all took water bottles. Me and my aunties. We hit the road.

I'm tired. I don't think I can go on. Take a break. She said. Walk and you will run again after you rest (walk). It's all part of the exercise. I begun doubting myself. Sure, I said I was ready, but I didn't think it was going to be this hard. It's only been like less than 10 minutes and I'm tired. I keep going at that pace behind them. I jog and then walk. At some point, I drink some water and I don't like how I feel. I feel like I will throw up. I want to complain and stop. But I didn't carry any transport money to get back home fast (on purpose). I didn't want to walk home alone either. 

I drink some water and then I jog. I think something is wrong with me. The way I feel. No way. Maybe people shouldn't drink water when they are jogging. That's why I thought I shouldn't carry water somehow. You hear that?

I keep going. Running slowly, and when we reach some distance, I'm not good at estimating, they ask, should we continue? I'm exhausted. I want to go back home. I can't say no to that. I respond. For your sake we will stop here. Let's head back.

Photo credit: Fitsum Admasu

We are walking and walking. This is good. My stomach isn't so bad after all. Let me go home, bath and relax. Okay.

We are jogging again. If I walk I will be behind. It's abit slopy so not so bad. We are taking that left turn. Okay. We're still going to continue jogging all the way?!! We can't walk àll the way home.

Of course. It's a route I've always seen but never used before. It's less congested and so good for jogging. Nice. I keep doing that, jog then walk. Have some water. I'm mostly behind. We reach some distance and it's somewhat secluded because of the crops. Maize mostly. If someone where to rush off those bushes, I'm sure we would defeat that person. Anywho, not the kind of place you would walk alone. We go down some hilly area then up some more. We walk more. We walk and walk. Then the jogging begins again. This time around, I'm super surprised at my body. I feel energetic and alert. I want to run. I'm running and I love it. I feel good. This is good. I'm running and taking a walk but it's so much better. How is it possible. That at first I thought I would rather just do some jumping jacks and now after a distance of more than 2km or more, I want to keep going and I'm more energetic.

We get home and I keep saying I want to feel that good everyday. Every morning. Suddenly what I thought I couldn't do is done. And I was wrong, my body just wasn't used to it. That's why I thought I couldn't keep going.

I started comparing this wonderful experience with other things, if I stick with a task that I find annoying but that's got to be completed, I could get so much far. Concept of descipline? Endurance? Or whatever it could be. Keep going. Take a break. But just keep going.

Photo credit: Brett Jordan 

The first step is always the hardest. But you have to keep going and you will find just the motivation. I only got to understand how my uncle feels when he goes running after I actually did it. It's something that can't be well explained. It has to be experienced.

Photo credit: NEOM

Just keep going. You will get there. The view is so much better from up there! Stop wishing. Run!

Until next time, say CHEESE!!!


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