Faith and Prayer

Hello again,

The morning of Mayday, 2024, I woke up and wrote what follows.

Sometimes our actions are like prayer. We are believing for the effect of what we are doing. That's why we do in the first place. Yes prayer is talking to God. It can also be showing God our thoughts. Our desires. It can be our actions or deeds. We do because we believe it is in agreement with God or the will of God. It is important for us to ask ourselves this question, 'why am I doing this? what am I believing God to do for me?'

Sometimes we pray for healing and go out telling people about how sick we feel. But God is looking at us wondering and asking, 'I thought you prayed and believed for your healing? Why are you not claiming it? Say what you don't feel but what you believe God to do in your life. Don't say anything negative. Be positive. Speak healing over yourself. Speak all is well with me. O praise be to God. God thank you'.
No matter the circumstances. Its what we he tells us to do in scripture. Praise the lord. O my soul. Forget not what he has done. Give thanks to him. For he is good. His love is eternal and everlasting. 
Photo credits: Sasiistock from unsplash

To have faith is to be sure of what you can not see. Its knowing my God hears me. I prayed and I know He has answered my prayers. Not because of prayer it self but because he is a good God. He loves us eternally. He heals us. He provides for our every need. No matter what we are going through, remember, The Lord is with us. When we ask of anything we should believe he has given it to us. And not doubt. If fathers on earth give children what they request, our God will do the same. In his time. 

My point is, have faith. Believe in GOD. Pray always. Be mindful. Our actions are like prayers for what we are hoping for.

Until next time, SAY CHEESE!!!😊


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