A day to celebrate

 C'est moi birthday 🎉!

I've dreaded today, all these days. I was like, what's going to happen? How will I feel? What will people say? Will someone get me a cake? How will I feel? Embarrassed? Etc etc. I got so sad, I didn't want to get out of bed yesterday. 

When today came, I smiled. Happy to be here. Part of life and all things growing. I've wanted to be the best at life, great at living. I thought I was going to do great things at 12 by 17. Nothing happened when I turned 21 last year. 

I'm happy today because I'm growing and learning life isn't about being all things everyone is. But more of the better I can be. Focusing on the love I've from around me. My family. Friends. God loved me before I knew him. He made me with so much care.

I'm 22. I'm blessed. I thank God 💓! 


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