Swear, say nothing but the truth!

 Just a thought

'The internet is raising me!' 

What's a cause worth fighting for?

What is the truth that will set you free?

Would you stay if I removed my musk? 

Would you love me if you knew me for me

If I was completely honest with you

Would you run away? Would you stay true to your words

(Honestly, I can't pretend anymore.) 

I Hate myself

How I see myself is how I see the world

So I tell myself I hate everybody and they hate me when it's actually me I don't like at all

Its me I gotta deal with..

I wish there was a panel that told you about adulthood in teens and about teenagehood right before it.

Caution! Toxic person incoming. Whatever you say might be used against you. And I might say what will definitely make you wish you weren't here

I'm never completely honest because that way, I'm without fault and I want to be perceived that way. Girl who has got it all together when I'm struggling to even just breath or say something funny because it might not be funny enough for you or him and her and I will be the joke. 

I'm afraid if you come and look close enough

You'll see I'm just a fake

As mundane a person can be.

Nothing special. That I'm so afraid of life and myself that I spend my days thinking about things that would make my life better and not do them because I'm too much of a coward and it's bizarre to think of myself any better than I am.

I read something in passing, 'there is jealousy behind congrats!' - Ray Q

Sometimes congrats means,

'I wish it was me too

That would look better on me

I hate you

I love you, you're my model. So hardworking 

Is that even a thing

Yea, whatever

Will I ever accomplish anything like him or her

I'm so dumb

I'm gonna do better!' 


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