Your tongue could ruin your life

It is not an understatement. Our tongue is like a spark, it sets things on fire. 

Speak words of life upon yourself no matter what. The way you see yourself matters alot and so do the words you say about you.

If you have a habit of being negated towards yourself, it's no wonder it seems nothing works for you and everything is falling apart.

Decalrr goodness and glory where you don't see it. Live your way in faith. Trust that all is well and everything is gravitating towards good in your life. The words you declare with your tongue or those you meditate upon in mind, create what you see.

It doesn't matter if it's a joke. Don't say you're nothing, say you're what you want to see in you and believe and behave as if you already have it. Because whatever we believe to be true in our hearts and minds goes so.

Always remember that as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. The heart shall reside where the treasure is. Know yourself. Go for what is true despite your thoughts and emotions towards it.

When we know we are set free. Ignorance is not bliss! 

P. S. : if you're afraid of it, chances are, you should just do it so that it's not as scary anymore. Otherwise, it becomes a limit. 


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