When cleaning your room reveals an uncomfortable truth

Hello friend, 

It's 2/2/22.. What do you call that? 

 I cleaned my room today. I don't normally do it. I did it for the dust all around me. How does a room inhabited by a 21 year old lady get to be so dusty that you sneeze every moment you get in?!

Well, that was me.

When I was done making it sparkle 'here and there', something hit me:

I said to myself, isn't my mind and life generally like this room. Sure, it is bigger with more compartments. But, when is the last time I checked in to clean up some mess? I literally let things gather up that cleaning them gets so difficult. I allow some baggage or garbage into my head and forget that I have to filter and monitor what gets to stay! Not everything is supposed to go in. Somethings have to stay away no matter how persistent they get.

It dawned on me that just as I was there dusting my room, I could use some of that for my mind. Get rid of the negative thoughts and feelings after I've been in touch with them- loved and understood them.

I say that because just because it's bad doesn't mean it shouldn't be paid attention to. Sometimes, our emotions and thoughts like a little attention before they are let to go.

Let everytime you do some dusting or cleaning of your anything remind you that the same should be done for your mind, body, spirit and whatever else. A healthy mind makes a happy, confident, wealthy and incredibly brave you!

P. S: bravery is the presence of fear. It's the stuff of Doing it afraid! 


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