What does living for today entail?

 Hello friend, 

Being in the here and now, is that what living for today is about? 

Well, maybe it's about making a conscious decision to be present. Somehow attached and yet detached. To let yourself feel, be whatever and then choose to let go knowing there is more to experience and holding on to one thing, makes it impossible to get to the others. 

The now could look like this; knowing you could be thinking about the past and how you would have loved it if it worked out differently or the future, and how you want it to look like-your fears about it and maybe how to deal with them, and what you fancy. It's choosing to focus on the now. The things you are in control of. Your attitude. Your constant inner dialogue... You!  It's all about living your dream. As you like it. 

I all over a sudden got so sad and low whilst going home yesterday. I felt my eyes fill up and my lips tremble. My nostrils starting to water. My mind so cloudy. I wanted to be anything but myself. The tears almost run off my cheeks. I held then back. 

I said to myself, tell me story. I don't want to be like this on a road. 

And so it happened, myself started telling me a story and I was smiling the whole way home enjoying the moment and looking on as life happened around me. I didn't want to be anywhere but here with me. Home. So yes. Indeed. Wherever I go, I will always be home!


I watched some video that I totally liked yesterday. It was about living for today trying something new for 30days. Its something I totally want to do for a change. To think of any silly or big thing I want to try out and actually get to do it. Why?? Why not. 

Its possible! 

Doing something challenging everyday boosts your confidence in you! 

https://youtu.be/JnfBXjWm7hc. <~the video


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