Speed kills!

 The only thing between you and your elusive genius could be your lack of silence or brakes-aka slowing down aka meditation. 

Its easy to say I will take out the trash or clean up later than to do it in the moment. Reason for all this is usually time. I don't have the time. And yet there you are on the social media watching the reels or statuses and just ringering as if you have to register for. Avery important appearance meeting.

In an age like this one where we are so busy. Too active. It is difficult to say there is no time and as of a result, do everything in a hurry all the time. Cram for exams, pull up all nighters and procrastinate in the name of tomorrows perceived free time.

Are we really ever free? Is being in a hurry to do it all quicjle and be the best, like him or her going to help? Is it the solution to our lack of time that we just go for what is quick and fast and here now?

Well, in my experience, a very slim one, I know that being speedy is so fun and rushy. It makes you feel good to know you've done some thing in a short time. It becomes a problem when that isn't efficient or of great value.

I will give my own example, where I study real quick in the name of moving on to the next thing to do and not remember much of it or really understand to be able to explain. It is one of those scenarios I used to have in high school where I would be in an exam room and say to myself, I know where the answer to this question is in my notebook, but I don't know what it is.

Slowing down and doing things my way, which mostly means I could easily be the last to finish a task, means I get to have whatever I'm working on higjlgu understood and if it's work, efficiently done.. Aka of good quality.

Its this same principle that I am applying in my speech. I usually find myself speaking real quick just because I want to finish and I don't want to waste the listeners time and I think that what I am saying is not as important as what they have to say. I need to finish quickly to avoid tripping on my words or sounding like this 'hdcbekskshssjvnahj'.

I sort of tried it on my own, the whole doing things at my own pace and it was the most amazing experience. Having to do it as I want and to know that if I am to speak, I own the ears at the time and I should do it with the whole of me. Just like that.

My experience this week has taught me that knowing ourselves truly is power. I really wondered why I never was like other people I admired an di tried to emulate them. When I stopped and focused on my style, I just felt so happy at how eventually there I was saying to myself that I like that. Just work on this and that.


A little something I learnt today:

The pareto principle which also known as the 20/80 rule. It was brought by the pareto guy who happened to have been Italian.

It simply says that for much of the 80% of results we get come from 20% of what has been done. And so essentially, it says there should be focus on the things that will bring the type of productivity we want.

This basicly also means we are in charge of what gets to happen. What we do result into more effects that build on. A ight change done over time in a daily routine can bring freedom. This might mean easy sleep and memory retention for others.

P. S: do not believe everything your mind tells you or what you are feeling. Sometimes ask, is this in line with what I know for a fact and what the one who made me knows of me? Do I really need to dwell on thi? So what if that happens? What's the worst that could happen? What's the backup? Will I die? Is it worth it? 


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