Failing is part of success

 Hello friend, 

How can this be?! (how can failing be a part of success?) I've always run away from failure and making mistakes. I've always somehow linked them to being an airhead, unlovable, not good enough and extremely lacking-dumb.

 Failing meant I was going to be abandoned and not loved. I tried my very best to be as excellent as I could be. I avoided challenges and conflicts just so there would be no possibility of failure. I adored being in control of everything. Only, it was and still is a great recipe for lack of growth or change.

It took a message from a friend I've become acquainted with to get me to admit that I do think I'm not good enough and that, that in itself is like faith that it is true. I believe I'm not good enough that even if it could be true, even when I could be even better, It wouldn't be apparent.

He said and I quote

"One thing my dad told me was mindset change and being positive about everything if you put yourself into a position that you're not good you will never be good at it. It all starts with the mindset. if you stand up and tell yourself that you're good, you will be extremely Good and great at it trust me on this one"_

This made me freeze for a while just thinking about it. Me who has always been an advocate for it that never walked the talk. I realised how true it was. I then quoted Henry Ford who once said:

And I thought, well, that's true. I've just never considered myself good enough after thorough comparison with so many people. That's not fair to me. Nevertheless, it left me thinking I can't be a good enough anything because already, people are good at these things and what I'm I? 

But really, I realised that I've got nothing to lose. And to be honest, I've waited so long for this moment. For this change. To believe in myself enough. I sort of liked to belittle myself because it was so easy. I didn't have to do anything. But belief in me, that requires me to have faith and trust that I can even when I dont know I will 

Immediately what comes is, I'm not good enough. But then the universe says, be as you're, ill be good enough for you. We are in this together. Come with what you got. It can happen and it will. I loved reading this following sentence that made me feel so good:


Today, I got that we have no idea how other people's presence in our lives make a difference and how they impact us. A simple word, words, actions can inspire and change so much about other people. We have no idea how important we are to the universe-to exist. To be here. Our presence makes other people happy or smile when it doesn't make sense to do so. It saves them. We should mind what we do. Be sincere and genuine at no cost. To give over and over to the world. After all, we really own nothing and everything. We get what we give! 

I've learnt today that my thoughts become my reality. True or not.


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