This year

We learn by doing. Sometimes all we have to do is unlearn what we know to get what we want. There is always room for change. 

There is this phrase I kept on reminding myself  last year that helped me get out of bed some mornings. Anything can become a habit. You just have to do it every day. It gets comfortable with time and there is no catch but your own happiness. It gets worse before it gets better! You have nothing to lose.

This year, I hope:

1. To choose my battles. Own it! No matter what I do, there is always something I will have to fight for. If I am not responsible, my responsibility will make me. Everything in life needs me to do some sort of work and I gotta choose what I am willing to suffer from. Choose my poison in other words because either way, I get to the same end.

2. Prioritise selflove, which is not selfish. I can't give what I don’t have. Loving myself the end of the year has taught me that the more I do it-which includes taking care of me and being there for me, doing what is good for me- has led me to have more to give to others. And this is where I am slowly getting to accept myself and who I am. That way, I am becoming less judgy about what people decide to do or be. Am more open to what is around me.

3. Learn to let go. I’ll always lose some. I can't emphasize this more. There is so much I wanted this year that I did not get. I lost what I never imagined I ever would and that is saying a lot. I somehow have to learn to let go and know that nothing is temporary in this ever-changing world. If I am changing, things around me will too. And I will lose things I want but I will have to deal with it and know it's okay. I never really own anything anyways.

4. If It's a no, don’t force a yes. Sometimes it's hard to say no to things we don’t want because we are afraid of upsetting those around us. But the yes only means we are not being true to ourselves and it later comes in to haunt us. For a change this year, I wish to not put myself in situations I don’t want to be in even if it means I would be thought of as anything that what I am.

5. Question things. It helps to remain curious and wonder. It brings forth the hidden

6. To do what is on my mind. I have found that waiting for the right time to make a move doesn’t work. If you want to do something, all you have to do is make time for it in this busy life. I used to say I will write when I get the time. When am all free and have nothing to do?

 the truth is, in this life, that hardly happens. There is always something to be done and it pays to make the time. It never comes back. Whatever idea or goal and plan that is bugging you at the back of your mind, I urge you to go for it. Don’t hesitate. You might say you don’t know how you will do it. True, but where there is a will, there is always a way. And regret is painful. Think of Nike’s motto!

7. Happiness is not a destination. A person won't make me happy. Nor will food and getting that something I have always wanted. Sometimes the joy is in the process. The struggle. The things done daily. Fully being present blooms joy and happiness to everyone of your encounter. Speaking of which, there is no constant in life. We experience ongoing change.

8. It's not about me. I am not special. I am what I am and so is everyone. Helping others makes me happier. Giving makes me happier than wanting to take and be given over and over. Am thinking of it like this, what I give to you, I am giving to me!

9. If I can do it now, I shouldn’t wait for later. Ideas run with their inspiration when being ignored. 

10. Know yourself. You're the only person you're in control of. Your drives, attitude and perception towards everything in life. 

11. Sometimes, what goes in goes out. Watch what you’re looking at, the books you’re reading, moves you’re watching and everything that can get in your mind somehow. A healthy and sound mind makes a wealthy man.

12. Don’t be afraid to try out something new. Don’t hesitate even in the face of fear. Fear doesn’t know what will happen when you do. You could use a little telling it who is boss!

13. Sometimes all you have to do is sleep to feel better and get the answer you're wrecking yourself over.

14. Miracles are for real. Be open. Pray pray pray! It's easier when we let go and let God. Just believe

15. Words have power. Watch what you say

16. Time is precious. So much can happen in a space of ten minutes or a week that could change your life forever. Whatever is on your mind, think of Nike's motto. Whatever is stopping you doesn’t know what could happen for real until it does.

17. Your loss could be a gain. Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better. This should remind you that even what is unbearable now will pass. So be your best.

18. Begin again even after failing over and over. You can always start again. You are never too old or too young. Just begin!

19. Watch your associations. They impact me.

20. Never stop learning. Read read read. Listen listen listen. And watch. Speak.

Until next time! What are you doing different this year?



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