
 The talk of self-love

You can't get it when you  think you don't deserve love. When you think you have to work for it.

God loved us first. The universe said, and he or she was God. Loved us before we knew him. And then God says, nothing, no little or big thing you can ever think about can separate you from God's love. Nothing can make him hate you.

You don't earn his love or work for it. He gives it freely. Unconditionally despite hating some things we do.

How can I, someone who doesn't accept myself come to love me?

I've tried to do it. There is love yourself as your neighbor and the whole self-love isn't selfish. I simply wonder what it is.

Reading "How to succeed at loving yourself" by Joyce Meyer is helping me. All we got to do is come to an agreement with him. He says you're good, so fine and priceless and limitless. And he loves you. Agree with that at least. Receive his love because it's there always.

Start behaving as if you deserve it everyday. His love for us that we accept, it grows us. It makes us see ourselves in a different light. Then accept it is what it is. It is easy to deal with what you've accepted than what you are in denial with.

He loves us in our weakness and distress. Sadly, when we focus on these and our wrongs and how we get corrected, sometimes we think well. that's just it. I'm not loved. I'm shouted at. I'm not like so and so. I've got these short comings.

But when we stop to take a look at how God sees us, it won't matter. This love will simply make us better. It will help us understand we can  be better.

Accepting his love is a choice. It means we can choose to reject it. That makes our lives easy because we have insecurities and we're so depressed trying to fix ourselves and things.

Accepting it helps us see beyond what is now. Go's loves us even in our hardest times. He is there confirming us.

Self-love starts with acceptance of the love your maker has for you. Then it grows to you and your neighbors! 


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