Tika lived full of disbelief. Everything just seemed to be against her. Nothing worked the way she wanted. Right when she was taken shopping, the money for it got stolen. The day she was to be bought a beautiful ribbon; it was tossed at a guard who thought it had been stolen. Right when she had to visit a beautiful place with friends, she got so sick. It was as if nothing good was to ever to happen to her. 

When she trusted her friends, they somehow ended up breaking her heart and when she wanted to trust God, God only wanted things his way. How selfish! 

Tika craved control over everything to feel better. That’s how she survived with her overactive mind and emotions that put her into a spiral of depression and great anxiety. Talking about it seemed to help but every time, life kept on gnawing at her, making her distaste it with every vein in her body.

On one fateful day, she had a meeting with herself that involved streams running down her cheeks, writing and talking and anger. So much resentment for life and the universe. Everything was just against her. She hated everything-more so, herself! 

And yet for once, instead of succumbing to the feelings, she decided to trust. To let everything go and let God deal with it. 

Tika decided enough was enough. She had to be free from herself-so many implications she drew up. For once she talked to God about her problems. The things troubling her and every quark that always bothered her that she couldn’t talk about with anyone. She just poured everything burning and icy to God, asking him to give her that rest he promises as he takes her burden. To give her that strength she needs at the time of her weakness. She talked to the universe and told it for once she would believe in what it says and trust even when she didn’t know what was going to happen. She believed and choose to be brave and happy because everything works for good. 

She believed that no amount of human being can ever make her feel better because they also need God to survive. No counselling and talk can fix her but the one who made her himself. Tika came to the realization that people are just that, people. She had to let God be God to do the wonders in her she could only imagine/or not! - To stop expecting things from everyone. Her desires and needs could only be satisfied fully by God. People are not always there and they are not perfect-everything. But God is everywhere and here with you now and the sure person to believe for life. 

Since then, her spirits were raised. Belief freed her and made her to be bold enough to take on challenges, she wouldn’t go for before. She didn’t care if she was the best or the worst. She was and by virtue of her being, the creator was happy and proud of her. She begged him to make her see herself the way he does. He opened her eyes to her potential and all she was little by little. Tika was filled with wonder, love and awe at how miraculous God is for having fixed something she couldn’t in a million years. 

She realized that she had been believing for the bad to happen in her fearfulness. ‘Am afraid I will fail or fall or make mistakes or mess things up and…’ her faith came to pass. Her fear was her faith in them to happen. 

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t- you are right-henry ford

James 2:14 msg ‘Dear friends, do you think you will get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything? Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it?


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