The to do!

 The things I want to be prevent me from- 

being what I have to be

doing what I have to do

becoming what I need to

-I am never present

I am always thinking about how to… 

And getting it done

I am always working on it

Leaving no room for a breather or play-to be had when results are visible, I say

Saying to myself 

I don’t deserve happiness until I get there

You won’t be happy until then is my motivation

-if you are not happy now, you won’t be then! is a fact


The to do list!

The long to do list pressures me to do more 

I miss out on the actual happenings 

Their impact on me

I miss out on the fact that I have to be in what I do happily!

The future longings,

the how to get theres and what to do

keep me from being in every moment of it!

I get so lost and entranced

Wanting the not yet heres so bad, I 

Don’t appreciate my present actions, now

It’s time to slow down

To be here, right now!


Memos Crochets said…
This is so true we always live in our minds thinking and always thinking,, but never in the present.
Unknown said…
Am saying
We never know wat to do we just need the to do list to help
Its great i love it

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