Merry Christmas

Hello friend,

Waking up to see a cheerfully decorated Christmas tree and balloons of all colors with adornments and lights is one of my earliest memories of a Christmas day. Followed by a lot of preparation for the days’ celebration with music in the background. Boney M’s Christmas album. Always starting with ‘Mary’s boy child, Jesus Christ- was born/on Christmas day/…’ my mom would play the songs over and over leaving us all in high spirits.

On a typical Christmas day, I go to church with my family and then we celebrate it all day at home. I participated in a drama at church on Christmas one time being one of the wise men. It was just hilarious for me to do the acting.

Christmas comes bearing gifts. It comes echoing the significance of love. How God loved us before we knew of him so much to let his son be born on earth to later save us. The love of family. How important and big a blessing it is to be able to gather around with so much love!

There is usually a lot of gathering by family and friends filled with this broad air of celebration, eating and chatter. It’s the most wonderful time of the year that is warmingly liberating and wondrous. It’s a blessing to see many smiling faces.

Christmas echoes sharing in love all around us. It is depicted in many movies as in what we see around us. Some I recommend you check out are ‘Klaus’, ‘How the glitch stole christmas’, ‘black nativity’ and ‘Last Christmas’. There is more. Togetherness-love.

What’s a Christmas celebration or day without music. I love to sing the Christmas hymns-not just during the festive season. I do it as I please all around the year. Every day is Christmas! (wink wink). One of my all-time favorite song is Mariah Carey’s ‘All I want for Christmas is you’

And Pentatonix’s ‘That’s Christmas to me’.

There is also this one, last Christmas!

And really a variety of many others. The joy in music makes me feel alive and strongly reflect as I think of how the year is coming to an end. 

A Christmas day without gifts may seem unacceptable to some. I have over the years come to accept how the best gift I could ever ask for is my family with me at this time. It is a huge blessing. Am grateful.

From the core of my heart, recognizing all the disappointments, failures and mistakes. Achievements, appointments and heartbreaks- the good, the bad and the best- I wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy merry new year!


Yours truly

P.s: here is a little poem;

Jesus is born

The wisemen are called-the gifts they bare

Herod is troubled-who is the chosen king?

Mary is happy-the baby boy beams

The star is shinning

The goat meehs

The shepherds are singing

Great light they see

An angel appears

Th good news he tells

Christ is born

The king of peace

Saviour of the Jews-later with gentiles

Rejoice you all

Christ is born! 


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