Stop overthinking


A little girl I once came across was talking to her friend over snacks. Berry, she said, I just can't get myself to open up somehow. I try, I want to, but I just can’t. I don’t know what I should do. cherry replied, but baby, who said it was easy. Especially for someone like you who has gone through a lot of heartache from a very young age and all you do is shut people out and never let them to get too close. You are afraid of being vulnerable because you think it will heart. But you know what, I just had a dream today. In the dream, you said the very same things to me and guess the answer I got from wisdom? Of course, you can’t guess. 


My 7:05am alarm just went off and I couldn’t get myself to open my eyes. All I wanted was to go on sleeping simply because It was comfortable and I didn’t have to do anything. Meanwhile, wisdom said, dude, you have to wake up. I know it's hard to do it. Your body feels heavy and you have stuff to do that if you start thinking about now will make you feel like you have done all you need to do. but gurll, who you kidding. If you want to wake up all you have to do is take the first step of sitting upright and stretching. Say a little prayer and get out of the bed covers and open your windows before you tell yourself you will set a half 7 alarm.

Oh, and here is a catch, that girl Berry, all she has to do is open her mouth and heart and say what it is, that is there without thinking too much about it that she doesn’t get to say anything. I heard you, you said she scared, but everything is. We just get a little more courageous every time. And she has to start small and know that she is safe and she can trust. She can be vulnerable. It is okay. If anything, let her do it afraid!


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