What to do

 At times find myself feeling really bored and wondering what it is I should do. Usually, I don’t want to do anything but just lie down. And yet when I do that, I feel a little guilty. I tell myself that I need to do something. When I ask myself what it is I should do, a lot of ideas come to mind. I hesitate to follow through but I find that doing something when I don’t want to do anything at all, gets me motivated to do a lot more.

Here are some 14 things you could try to do when you don’t know what you should do.

1. Start a new hobby- I put this as the first thing because sometimes all you have to do is start or do something new. It is a great way to get all creative and thinking about ideas in different ways. It grows you. Our brains love to be challenged.

2. Write expressively- I find writing to be therapeutic. It is a good way to get myself together in moments I have no idea what to do and I feel myself on the verge of breaking down. Simply free writing whatever comes to mind on paper, helps me clear my head and have a clear perspective of my feelings at present. Sometimes I don’t know what am thinking so much about until I get it down. There is a lot you can learn about yourself by writing.

3. Read a book-there is nothing as relaxing as reading a good book when I am sorting through what I should be doing. Books are a great stress reliver for me. I find that they help take my mind off myself. Concentrating on the story at hand gets me so relaxed and all analytical in the process. Reading is a great way to gain knowledge and to learn. It grows our minds.

4. Call a friend and chill or go out- I can’t emphasize more on this. As social beings, sometimes the reason we feel clogged and bored is because we are just stuck with doing work or not spending some time with friends. Basically, just alone. It helps to go out or just have a call with that friend you really miss!

5. Take a nap- sometimes all you need is to take a rest before you go on. It is the best thing to do when you feel you can’t go on. A little sleep can get you feeling charged and ready to take on anything.

6. Make a to do list and follow through it- You will be surprised by the number of things you can come up with when you sit yourself down to write what you want to accomplish by the end of the day. You will feel so good to check all those things off your list. I promise!

7. Take a walk- feeling stressed or overwhelmed with work, a short walk outside can do the trick. It can help you feel relaxed, light headed and inspired. Mother nature nurtures creativity!

8. Listen to music or dance- when is the last time you danced? I wonder. I find dancing to some sweet music so entertaining for myself and highly thrilling. I feel high and so hyper. And I love it when I feel that way. You don’t need weed! I do it every time I want to spend my breaks doing something fun. It doesn’t have to take hours. Simple five minutes can do.

9. Do some chores- I love to do this during some of my study breaks. Cleaning up helps me feel relaxed. It feels good to accomplish a task. It doesn’t matter what it is. Am sure cleaning up your room would make you feel good too!

10. Think about what you are thinking- I can’t emphasize this more. If you stop for a while and think about what is going through your head, you will realise that you don’t want to have some thought patterns. A good way to get rid of them can be practicing mindfulness and meditation. We become what we think whether we know it or not. Thinking about your thoughts can help you get into knowing how best to work on becoming better and even more, you learn so much about yourself.

11. Learn something new- there is nothing I love more than learning. I always get amazed by how much I get to know and how it changes me a little. Mostly, my way of thinking and attitude. I sort of develop that I can do it attitude that helps me happily take on difficult tasks. It is like discovering some treasure. Am sure there are some things that when you think about, you tell yourself it would be great to know how to do them. This could be the time. Why not try now? It will make you love yourself even more. 

12. Watch a movie- talk of entertainment. Grab some popcorn and get on with that movie. It will be fun talking about it and learning something new in the process.

13. Exercise- this will help you feel energetic and confident. There are surprisingly a lot of benefits of exercising regularly. Today could be that day you find out for yourself for a start. All you have to do is find an app that suits you or download some videos on YouTube about working out for beginners. It can help you get started. You could also simply do some jumping jacks.

14. Make a bucket list- am sure you have somethings you want to do before you die. This could be a good time to think about what they are and scribble them. They could make you a lot more passionate about living.

That’s it for today. 13 things to do when you don’t know what to do. I hope you enjoyed reading this. 


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