What does it mean to be?

It strikes me as odd that I thought dying meant existing doing nothing in a state of peaceful sleep. That was wrong. I know a girl who thought that if she dies today, she will be alive tomorrow.

Let me explain her idea of death. 

Death:(a definition by her wild mind)

"It is a state of stillness and complete healing, revival or rebirth that takes place when a person's heart stops beating. It implies that after some specified time of choosing, the said deceased lives on with every pain and problem of self from the past completely understood and dealt with. In a way, the person is perfected in the next life."

The above clearly states her wishes before coming back!

It shouldn't take a genius to decipher the fact that this person's thinking is strange and completely irrational. This girl was only trying to escape reality. She was trying to do away with life not wanting to face it bravely like a fool. Which am sure she was (a smart one!).

Anywho, it occurred to me as I was riding the bike today that existing is alot of things. 

My new found definition of existing:

"Anything that is. If am sitting down on the couch everyday binge watching my movies, series and animations, am existing. To exist is to be on earth breathing. So to speak, a person in coma is existing because he or she is sharing the same air as a new born baby and the person nearing death."

At that thought, my idea of existing continued to say, it is simply being. Doing anything or nothing. It suffices to say that I thought to myself that the girl who thought of going away to silence should just exist doing literally anything and not give a damn thought about what any other human would say because it is important to exist as one wishes than as one is told and ought to copy.

Maybe existing is all about doing something which is never nothing.

The question of existence is sure something to call, "FoOd FoR tHoUgHt".

What are you doing in your state of awakeness?

At that note, I bid you a good time contemplating about EXISTENCE!



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