Love yourself

 Sometime last year, I read a book by Jen Seneca, ‘You are a bad ass’


You ever get yourself worked out because the person sitting next to you is so irritating, like they talk a lot and are always making jokes and laughing. If you watch closely, you will see there is something about them that makes you think of a certain part of yourself that you def don’t like. Doing this is the wrong way to go about it. What you ought to do is examine yourself, see it in you. why does this make you flinch? You could have issues you need to work on that you are ignoring. See how it makes you feel, check yourself, what makes you feel in irritated why?


 A million times than not, we say people are awesome because we love something about them that we want to see in us or we identify with them something about ourselves that we obviously like or love.

That is why the people we surround ourselves with are important. They play a role in shaping who we get to become. The people we choose to associate with and those we ditch. It shows how much we love ourselves and others too. The way to be healthy is to love yourself more, fiercely, loyally and unapologetically. Love greatly and when you do, you will choose to work on yourself when you see yourself reacting in a bad way to others. You will choose to learn something about yourself and act on it; to either go on interacting with this person or not. I will stop here today. With the last words being that no one can make you inferior without your consent. So watch it!

Every end of the chapter had a little sentence about loving yourself. I compiled much of them and here they are;

Love yourself

It’s the recipe of happiness


Love yourself

Stay true to who you are


Love yourself

Like you're the only you there is


Love yourself

No matter who you really are


Love yourself

Don’t be apologetic about it


Love yourself

Unless you have a better idea


Love yourself

Do what you love


Love yourself

Everyone benefits


Love yourself

Be grateful for all you are 

And all you are becoming


Love yourself

You deserve the love


Love yourself

Life becomes a party


Love yourself

More than your drama and excuses


Love yourself

Right now

Wherever you are 


Love yourself

You will be invincible


Love yourself


It seems to me that you have to love yourself if you want live a certain kind of life of your choosing. without love, what are we? Without love, what can we do?

Love helps us make this world a better place as we give to others for a greater good thereby instilling the giving spirit to people for everyone's benefits. We all get to have all we want. And as the saying goes, 'it is in giving that we receive'. When we give out love, we receive it even more.

In loving ourselves, we are loving others

Caring for them and their needs

We are making the world a better place when we decide to love

We are giving

We are super heroes.


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