Discover your truth

 The goal is being your best and not the BEST!

I used to think that making it into this world and succeeding meant doing well in everything. Perhaps being the best and recognized or not. I just wanted to do so damn good. I didn’t really think of what happens when I don’t get what I wanted because I was always determined to get it no matter what. To get what I want in any way I can. But lately, I beg to differ. Starting with the fact that am not the person I was earlier today. I have changed ever since yesterday. Am always learning to be the better me in ways that I find to be highly unexpected really.


It doesn’t matter if am the first or last in some test or performance. It doesn’t matter if I think am great or not. I just have to be the person I want to be and do my best. Do the things I want to do that I like. Accept that I cannot effect a huge change since it's just one of me. 

I love to love. Love is such a beautiful thing. It is teaching me a lot about myself and life itself. Everything does. But expecting to be the best or worst couple or person there ever has been shouldn’t be your goal because am sure you will be disappointed. Do what you want to. And you won't regret it. Don’t strive to be the best. Strive to be your best because it is only then that you get to be happy about outcomes from your doings. Discover your truth. What makes your heart laugh. And go for it love! And yes, you will learn a lot in the failure if you are open and when you understand why you failed. You will do better next time. And if there is no next time, you are a lot better anyway.


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