One is enough

She loves to write. She does it everyday but sometimes, it is the one thing she runs away from because of how it makes her feel. Vulnerable. She does it still because she knows not doing it means one thing, feeling messed up and too moody for her liking. 

She didn’t want to write yesterday because she was feeling sad and she just didn’t want to write anything dispite all the effort her guardian angel put in at convincing her to put something out there for her readers. Its good Friday for goodness sake. Write something. She couldn’t. today came up and she said maybe tomorrow.

But anyone knows that maybe means never sometimes and that’s how it was going to end up if it wasn’t for one of her readers saying something about her poems.

Am writing way too sombre stuff. But they are not too bad. He said as he laughed out loud. I love reading your work. Really? She questioned him with hope for a yes as she thought of a no over and over. What was that. Approval seeking? You seriously need to do something about that self belief thing. 

Yes really. I stop by once in a while. That’s, unexpected, she said and smiled to myself. This person reads what I write. Who could have thought. Wow! That’s unbleievable. 

It was this conversation that made her write something today. The assurance that someone will read this and have a thought about it.


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