On Practice

 Dear reader,

Practice makes perfect but nobody is. We just get better until we seem to be the best. In reminiscing of the fact that I want to write a lot better, am reading this book on creative writing and I will share below an attempt to write a very short and brief story. 

My attempt to write a story based on a few words. I will be doing this frequently. We feed our bodies everyday to have the energy to do all the activities we please. The same goes with writing and perhaps everything, making a habit anything that demands change. I will try making sure I post a little something every day. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated. 


Lisa came to check on us even after everything she has done to embarrass us and all the hate she knows we have for her. When we asked her why she came, she said she was sent to drop something and she to apology for the pain caused that doesn’t seem to be ever forgiven. For all the goodness in the world, I don’t know how anyone can forgive her crime. Everyone had these unwelcome looks on their faces and mom had to tell her to leave. I said I would walk her out.

Just as she was about to step out of the house, it started to rain. Am talking huge hailstorm kind of rain that came all in large drops and threatened to go on for a while. She had to stay in till the weather died down.

Exactly what happened Lisa? May you explain to me your side of truth. I asked her as I welcomed her into my room since no one wanted to be around her. It all started with the coming of you a long time ago. Two days after you were born, I took you away from your moms’ side in the hospital. I wanted to raise you on my own. Well, at least I thought so. I was under the influence of goodness knows what. I was hypnotized and didn’t know what I was doing. Am sure of it. I got you away for two days and your mom and everyone sent search parties all over town to look for you. You were nowhere to be seen until someone visited me and found you in my house. 

Apparently, I was just sitting on the veranda looking ahead at nothing in particular and you were crying from the inside. I don’t recall ever taking you but well, there you have it. I was not arrested. They took me to the hospital because I wasn’t responding to anything. And there they found a way to bring me back. 

Till now, I have no idea why I was like that. I have no memory of those two days. It’s as if I was possessed or something. I apologized a million times but it seems your mother doesn’t want to have any of it. All because she had kids earlier than I did and she thought I was trying to get rid of you because of some disagreement we had. I haven’t been around this house ever since. Today just happened.

After I knew this, I got the idea of how sometimes we want to believe what we understand and are ready to accept. I talked to my mom and I told her the concept of personalities and mental health and the like. Its highly likely that Lisa was under an influence of a side of herself she doesn’t know of and she probably needs hospitalization.

She reluctantly accepted my version of truth and so did everyone. Aunt Lisa stayed for the night that day. She was welcomed home any minute of any day!


modest rasta said…
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modest rasta said…
nice piece....the reader is drawn in by how you start the story...i.e to find out what wrong she did

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