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 Hello there!

I will be sharing some poems I’ve penned this evening.


I saw the wind as I walked home

It told me of its adventures from the great unknown

I silently told of mine own!

I saw the mountain sit proudly on earth

It told me, ‘am green and tall and full of history and life’

I slowly nodded as I reminisced of mine

I saw you today

You didn’t say much-your manner told me stories

I said my goodbye as you went back in…I poured my heart on mine own!


I love you with the twittering of the birds

From the moon to the stars and night

Love you as you hate you

I love you in mine own hate

I love you love

Am drowning in love

It’s all I can think about


Life? My hair? I love it

Especially when its messy

Its more real to me

I love crazy










With every vein in my body

I love you in pain

For I know-

The good comes with the bad

And life is worth it no matter

You create purpose of being

Or else, life is useless!


Day greeted me with fog in its eyes

It was so cold

I could have gotten it

The sun came up and the sky went all blue

My skin perspired

It said, ‘life is best left a mystery

There is no fun in knowing how it ends.’


If I’ll live for anything, it is for you

For I marvel at seeing you

Knowing you are there with me

Darling, say a word and I’ll be all ears

To grant your wishes

Am yours!


What happens when I die?

What do you think happens when one dies?

What are you saying to yourself on your deathbed?

Am happy I loved/ I regret…/here comes after life…

Or forever after…?

What happens if you do/ don’t?

Who are you?

What are we?

Tell me your story


…first, know thyself

Love thyself

The rest is, ABC…


What do you hold dear?

…where your treasure is, there your heart will be also…Mt 6:21

Well, here are a few other poems from sometime last year;


You’re like a flower

Slowly fading

Live every moment

Your end should tell a story of your life

Its okay if you don’t know now

You don’t have to be sure every time

It’s okay to do nothing

Am sure something will come up


You will know…


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