
 I've been thinking of you all day 

Of dropping you here

Am leaving you here!


We all have it

All time in the world

We choose how we use it

How we spend it_makes us!

And indeed

Memories live on 

Moments long gone

The past, it keeps playing 

In its time_in mind

Now is going in front 

As you Live On!


Floods of pure water escaped my eyes a week ago

Am left with no tears to shed


Yes, the rain is necessary for the flower to bloom.

  ☆    ☆     ☆

About today; part of it

I washed my clothes while listening to music. Huge splashes of water were beating the earth. I was hot. Then i hurt my finger. That was the end of cleaning dirt off my clothes. The rain stopped after years of dancing with the air and i hung my clothes for drying in the wind.

Lesson: Do not because of circumstances but because it is essential. Rain doesnt fall forever. 


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