
 Here is something i wrote about inspiration sometime back.


12 January 2021


When am watching a movie, its like the whole world for the time being, stops existing. I detach from it and I find myself in it-the movie, as a perfect spectator. living with its bliss and turmoil. Love and hate. All the pain, sadness and happiness. I become almost one with it and I momentary forget my own life and what its like. My favorite part is ideas I get from the whole thing. Experiencing it all. Its something only that can give me. Inspiration to write or do something. I look at art and it inspires me to make art. I look at flowers and I want to know more of them. Their history and culture as well as their way of life.


Movies don’t just entertain me. They inform me on so many things I wouldn’t know otherwise. I wouldn’t compare them to reading or listening to music. Each thing gives off something of its own. Unique. Out of the ordinary. It leaves a part of it on you. An imprint. Whether you know of it or not. Everything has a way of swaying me to certain directions. Like a story of a witch; being for or against it for reasons it would be all vice versa in other instance. It doesn’t let you think much. It almost gives you everything. There is little you get to figure out by yourself. All you do is react to it.


Speaking of self. I think movies are the best way to make you into something if you don’t watch your mind. You soon find out you are doing what they are. It doesn’t always give that much of individuality that needs to be there. You might start coping lifestyles. I think doing things actually, like I don’t know, riding a bike, reading, playing games, writing, can bring out most of you than watching movies. Movies take you. Kill your creativity because they lay out everything for you. All you have to do is, look and that’s it. It almost hypnotizes you. Next thing you know, you are just this something or somebody that isn't you at all. Anyways, I wrote a poem I really liked after I had written and read it out loud. 

Here goes it;

I need art to make art

Poems to write poems

Love to make love

Hate to start war

Water to live

History to make more of it

I need life to live

I need me to be and make me

I need you to be you

-only you can see it that way


When going to school today, I was constantly thinking about all the deaths happening due to the corona virus. So the thought kept on coming in till I just found myself writing a poem;

Blood shed

Many graves dug

Their income culminates

Theirs goes bankrupt

Mental health crisis

A living movie

Trust no one

Take care of you

Do the right thing

You always know what it is

What to do?!

Mask up! Stay safe


What inspires you?


modest rasta said…
yeah movies,reads,music, they all got something to offer, unique in its own way. yeah everything z got to be valued and appreciated. say ...seeds, dirt and water all contribute equally.....collecting bits to make a whole. music, reads and movies.
Thoko said…
Everything is everything and it all leads to everything. One must not be without the other. Music, reads. Movies. What we choose to do with the breaking of dawn, is of great value. It makes

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