Before i fall

 Hello friend!

Sometime last year, I read this novel titled, ‘Before I fall’. With the thoughts of falling, I thought of sharing what I wrote after reading it then. Here goes it!

23 November 2020


When I hear the words, "Before I fall", the first thing that comes to mind is before I die. As if this book is talking about what happens right before the day I die. Am seeing this girl who just keeps on experiencing the same day over and over again and is quickly having a change of heart as each day goes to the next. She gets to accept the fact that some things don’t really matter. And in a way, you would call them useless. We spend so much time in this life fretting over things that are just materialistic.

 Or over acting and behaving in certain ways as a way of being a rebel or trying to belong with everyone around us. We yearn being accepted and loved and adored and being the centre of attention at times, that we lose sight of what really matters. That no matter what happens, it does one no good if he or she goes through life being others but themselves. Being what others expect of them or want of them or what they want others to think of them.

 With that being said, here is what I have to say about what I have read so far. And yes, am yet to finish reading it. 

Am reading this book and the main character, Samantha Kingston, aka Sam keeps on dying and coming back to the same day. It’s crazy really if you think about it. Imagine if that could go on happening to you for days straight. You living the same day over and over, times. Am sure you would think about doing so many things differently and am sure it would really teach you a lesson like it did me from just reading. 

I see this girl transformed form just living like life doesn’t really matter-It's nothing. To being in every moment and making sure to do things right no matter the situation. Of course if you read and reach her 6th day, you will realize she does it for herself. She does it because she thinks she has to do something nice for all this fuss about living the same day to go on. Thinking if she does it all right, she either dies in piece or lives on to the following day. Whatever comes afterwards am only yet to find out. Am recommending this book. I think you should read it. Am not going to budger around here typing all the details to you. There is also a movie by the same title. Watch it.


The whole thing made me think about how we sometimes take life for granted. As if all that happens is no big deal and it can happen anytime to anyone whatsoever. Sorry, I mean. We live like a routine we don’t like. As if just trying to deal with that one thing you hate to do but know you have to do it to survive. Reading this made me think of the importance of being in every moment. Being present and actually living. Not for anyone but for you. 

I thought of it this way, living the best way you can by doing your best and loving yourself and being all happy and choosing to think of the good in all the bad and still having reasons to smile despite all the darkness around. Living like this makes your life brighter and better. The people around you are happy as you are happy. You are leaking this positive energy and its affecting people in even ways you cannot fathom. When you are happy, you are making things and people around you happy. It's like one of Newton's law of motion. When you apply a certain force on an object, you receive an equal but opposite force. You give a, you take that back. So be happy, everyone will be happy with you.


 What about when you are sad? You could ask. Well, feel the sadness or whatever feeling it is. After all, pain demands to be felt. Do that and let go of it. Don’t let it ruin your good life. And it's probably there to give you some lessons which you will love eventually. And also get to share with others and make the best of moments.

Being present as I saw it in what I was reading meant that we ought to look where we are going, feel our feet moving, stepping the ground. One foot in front of the other. Looking at the sky, the clouds and the azure ceiling holding back the look of the galaxy. Looking at the trees and flowers around. The look on people's faces. That 

happiness. That sadness and joy. That life. To be present should be you eating mac and cheese and thinking about how It’s so good and not how you would rather have spaghetti with meatballs. 

Think of all the beauty in everything and be happy.

 I have found that there is great freedom and yes maybe solace in being oneself. It makes you to be more despite the fact that maybe you don’t see that much love from others. It helps you grow and get to know a lot more about yourself. Who you are and all the things you can be and all that you are that you try to be so good being. You don’t think about being like anybody because your main focus is you and you want to do you. To be you and to love you and to do the best you can do. Besides, this, today, could be the day before I fall. I might as well live it doing my very best and doing the things, I love despite others not necessarily being for it. I think.

 Am actually thinking right now that what really matters is what we think of ourselves because people will always think so many things, they want about you and trust me, you don’t want to accommodate that you don’t want to suit anyone's taste but yourself. So maybe try to do what you love no matter what. And stay true to yourself. Am sure before you fall, the prominent thought will be, why didn’t I do what I wanted? Regret. You don’t want that at all. So hey, whatever happens, love yourself and do you. You are the best. You want to live the best of life before you fall. You want to tell a great tale in the afterlife am sure.


modest rasta said…
nice.....share the novel pliz. we really got to fit our own our own. what one thinks about oneself z wat really matters. true, so true. pple will always `ave a thing to say....even when they see you through the dis wont stop. that has to be faced and delt with. and pple tend to be preoccupied with worries over things that may not even come to be.....i say scratch it yo! you cross the bridge when you reach it. death will come at its own time, dont have to panic.....after all we already naked! got nothing to loose really. alive or dead its pretty much the same if you check it... the world stays the same....b4 and after us....say sun rise and sun set....same yo!! science not only claims but proves that matter z neither created nor to me life and death are just transition states. nice piece thoko.... this line > pain DEMANDS to be use of words, catchy literature, dope!
Thoko said…
I will certainly share you the novel through your email. Well, if we make ourselves fit what anyone says of us then we are being far from our true selves. Thats a new way am knowing. Looking at life and death as transitions. Thank you!

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