Starting where you are with what you have

 Hello friend!

Am sure so much can be said about starting where you are. Everyone is on planet earth for a reason. We are all connected. Each of us has got a purpose. Some is to be speakers, musicians, writers, dancers well, its an endless list. We all have passions. Things that sing to our hearts. Things we do for the love. Things that in all the world, life is never sweet without. We all aspire to do something. It can be anything. Starting a business, working on a certain project, taking up a new hobby. Or doing something new for fun, even adopting a new habit. I mean hello??! Why not.

The question though becomes, were do i start? How do i do it? I dont have what Mr Pink has, i dont have a cool camera or great writing skills or materials. Whatever reason it is you are giving for not starting something. 

Some times all one has to do is start and not just thinking about starting. If you don't do it now, what makes you think you will do it then? What will have changed? If you can't handle or manage with the little, how will you manage with more? You dont have to became say a famous singer and have alot of money. You just need to want to it and START. If you dont start or do something you have always wanted to do, you won't know how it will feel like. Its a mystery that can only be solved with action. Who knows, it could be what you might love for the rest of your life.

It is in trying out an idea without worrying about all the things you dont know or dont have that you get to learn which best to have. 

I will take me for example, I was  been thinking about blogging last year. I was like, i want to start a blog. Why? I just wanted a platform to post whatever i want to put in black and white and then get to have someone read it. And then we would talk about it. And i just love to write. So i thought it wouldn't hurt to write something and let anyone interested read it. But i was just thinking so it didn't happen. Then about this year end January, i had an itch to try it out. Not even knowing what exactly i will be posting. I just started it anyways. I just wanted to try it out. And here you are, reading this. 

My point is, you dont have to know it all to start because sometimes, you get to know it all in the process of doing it. Its like how you wont know orange juice tatses like until you have it. Start where you are with what you have. You get to learn more along the way. Its a process. It starts with you deciding to start regardless of all else.

Don't wait for tomorrow if you can do it now! 


Unknown said…
I think I needed this, thank you 🤗
Thoko said…
Am glad you found it helpful.😊😊you're welcome.
modest rasta said…
so encouraging, keep it up thoko. am so inspired, we are all connected indeed coz such thoughts cross my mind time and time. you remind me of this begin is to begin......
Thoko said…
Am so glad you are inspired. yes, to begin is to begin. the best way forward is to start without thinking too much about what you want to do but actually just doing it. thats how you know how it will feel like and if its a good or bad idea. and thats so many lessons to learn too! too much thinking of the thing can make it become so scary that you decide to stop. Am for Nikes motto right now. JUST DO IT!

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