Hello friend!

Love yours

When I was 12, I hated myself so much. I didnt like the changes I was experiencing; I didnt like my skin. I wanted it to be like other peoples skin because to me, theirs were way cooler than mine. I hated my singing voice. I wanted to have one like Chynas. The one from a series I loved watching then: A.N.T Farm. Chyna had, has an amazing voice, if I didnt sing like her, my voice was bad. I remember praying to God, asking him to give me a voice as good as it, to have my body slimed and darkened so I could be invisible. I wanted what was not, basically. I loved what belonged to others. It was more appealing and fun.

And then with time, years and years later, I realized that my voice was good. I didnt have to sing like she did because only she has her voice. It is no wonder I sing the only way that I can, that somebody else probably cannot. What we are makes us who we are, our personalities, the way we do things and handle ourselves. Its what makes the difference between me making a certain kind of tea for you and you not liking it but someone else making the same and it being liked. It is how they make it. The uniqueness of it all.

There will always be someone who is better or less than you, believe it or not. Someone who has more and someone who has less. There will always be someone who laughs when you dont. you will never be satisfied with yourself, who you are, if you dont love ourself. If you dont love what is yours. Self-love, is key to loving what is yours. 

When you love whats yours, you become truly happy. love what you have, it will love you back!

I fell in love with your words

They removed the chain of burden

That refused to set me free.

To just let me be.

Your words gave me power.

In no time, i was free

I was giving life a chance 

All odds were in my favor from then onwards

Obrigado amigo

j'ai t'aime!

A part of why we love things is that they are connected to us. They say something to us that we feel the need to address them at heart in some way. They prove something wrong or right. They make us love ourselves more. When you open up to the world, it opens up to you. 

Words written by someone have the ability to change you. To spark that light within. To motivate you towards a forgotten goal. I wrote the above poem after reading a collection of words, poems that reached my heart. They entered beautifully and revived me. I sent it to the poet who greatly appreciated it. He wrote what I hate. It is from reading this anthology by ideajeff that I got myself being interested in what I love. In me! 

In reading, you are reading yourself. Do it with love!

Love what you do and it will love you. Love deeply. Show love.


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