Knowledge is infinite

 Hello friend!

 I have been trying to write a book for quite sometime. I have wanted to write one since i was 16. Am going on to 21 this year and the thought just came to me today. Why haven't i done it yet? 

The answer i was able to give was that am busy accumulating from more books. Its as if, if i don't read more and more, i won't be able to write because i won't know how to do it. The truth is, more books are being published and more and more being recommended. I cannot possibly finish them all even in my lifetime. I don't only have to read. I have other things to do too. And anyways, i need to write what i want to with what i have, asking for directions where need be. 

 Last year, i started writing a collection of poems on fear and stopped simply because i told myself there is little that i know. What am doing different now, this year, is finishing what i started regardless of what i don't know because whether i like it or not, i can never know everything. Knowledge is infinite. And to think about it, if every person who ever wrote a book or article or anything at all had to wait to know enough to write, there wouldn't be as many books. I have enough to put up some thing. And i will!


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