I hope you understand

Hello again,

 There is so much I need you to know. I hope you understand…

I want you to know that life isn’t about being the best or making people happy at your own expense. 

You are not alone. Sometimes you get to be with nobody but it doesn’t mean you are alone. Go outside. Force yourself if you have to.

Picture from unsplash

I have had so many dreams. I haven’t done much. I have always thought I never could because I wasn’t the best. Living the dream doesn’t require you to be the best. You just have to be all that you wish.

I have failed a million times, I have made mistakes that have made me feel dumb and stupid, I have lied to put a smile on your face or theirs. I have just tried to play nice in life thinking it would do me the favor of giving me a version of life I dreamed of in my head. It only gave me the message ‘work for what you want to have. Life rewards those who actually do the work. Plant the seeds, then water them, provide a condition for them to thrive-grow. That’s how it works’.

If you do nothing, that’s what you get in the end. Do not fool yourself.

You don’t have much time at all. So with all that you have, do what you want now. Tomorrow is an illusion. It might as well not come. You will work up one day and realize your excuses threw you so far away from your dreams. Whatever it is, do it now. Even if you don’t know how, it will come to you. You don’t have to know everything. It’s the first step that counts. The little that you do grows with time. Check out the act of compounding!

Don’t try to be what you are not. You will be miserable. Accept the person you wake up to. The girl or boy you see when you look in the mirror. All that. Not just the good stuff. Really see yourself and embrace yourself. Love the good and the bad stuff. Then make it to what you want. Don’t refuse it. Acknowledge it. You want to be seen. But trust me it’s not just by the world. It’s by you too! Make time for yourself. Do what you love. Be compassionate to you. Don’t hate when things don’t end up as you would have wanted. Just, breathe and start again. Really practice being in the moment. 

Most importantly, I want you to know that you need to be here right now. That’s where happy is.

P.s.: If its writing I will do it. If its singing, I will hit the notes. If its seeing, I will capture the picture just to make you understand that, you are in charge. Make the rules! 


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