As small as a mustard seed

 Is faith or belief enough to get you through today?

As small. As a mustard seed! 

I honestly found myself wanting to quit today. I have every reason enough to do it. I want to just stop because God forbid, it's just way too much for me. That sentence could be wrong.

I want to give up because I feel way way behind. A slacker far too gone to be helped. How I'm I going to survive through this? I keep wondering. I take a moment to think and all that comes it mind is how much everyone else has got it together. The requirements for every happening is chattered for. They have the time to spare.

And then I look at myself and man, it's like a walking disaster. A supposedly ticking bomb that's about to go boom! So much to do an dyet it seems, there isn't time. Or let's say, the time is there but I want to give up because I'm too far gone. Is it possible to save a girl that is way way back from her peers and life? That's me right now.

So in as much as I wanted to quit, I asked myself, what do you want to do? What would you rather do right now? what I found is that I want my attention to things I love apart from school. I want to be alone and to do the stuff that make my heart sing. I have ignored them in the name of school and not enough time. honestly, time is always there. it is here. it's what we do with it that makes it count and that yields what was worked for.

faith. what about it. Henry Ford said if you think you are right or that you are wrong, you're damn right. do I think I am cut out for this? I will definitely do it and maybe my belief will drive me to do it even more. do I think I can't? I'm so right too.

perception. attitude. the way we look or see things determines an outcome for every input. what are you choosing to believe?

Have faith. As small as a mustard seed and you will say to every mountain, move! and it will move!

Do not let circumstances change you. Change them! 


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