THE "I WILL DO IT LATER": Delay leads to denial.



Dear Reader,

Receive my sincere apologies for not having had writing you anything in the past two weeks. I was debating on the best way forward. Whether to go on with blogging or to just stop entirely. Of course the other reason is that I wasn’t in the correct state of mind to give you anything to feast your eyes on.

Am not entirely of course but I have decided that if am to regret something in two years' time, it will be not writing anything. Which brings me to the subject of my blog post today, 'The I will do it later. Not now'. It follows with saying that delay leads to denial and others like to put it as delay is denial. I go to bed each day with something at the back of my mind. Rather I have been lately. And each time I search for what it is, it is something to do with writing. I will say, I didn’t write much today. It's okay, I will write tomorrow or that well, I don’t want to do it, I don’t have to do it every day. And yet I know deep down that I can write even when I have nothing to write about. It's like I have been avoiding the activity because I feared I can't write much with sense and I got blank. I didn’t know what to write about so I didn’t. but my writing self wept.


Earlier today in the morning, I was listening to a song by Avici and it was something about living a life you would wish to remember. Doing what I most desire and going to long lengths as not sleeping much at night. It got me into thinking about myself. Writing wise. I won't remember this as much as the realization later that I haven't been doing much except for just going through the day thinking academics and loving being home. I took it upon myself to remember why I started all this. This blog. It was for the love of writing and for anyone who loves to read. The most was for me to get into the writing culture. Making writing a part of my daily life. We get better by doing. I can only be a writer as long as I write and with much of it, I get better.


I have been saying to myself that I will wash my clothes over and over again. Days have become weeks and now I have a pile of clothes that I can't wash at a go. I have a lot of dirty shoes that need serious cleaning because each time I remove them, I say, I won't wear them until after I clean them. Now I just wear the same over and over. It started small. Two dirty clothes which turned to ten until I lost track of counting. That’s how it happens with all issues kept for later. They get so heavy in the end you wonder, how did this happen. How did I end up here? It is all because of the procrastinating. It delays action which done overtime gets nothing done. Suddenly, the workload or whatever issue at hand becomes so huge you don’t know where to start and just thinking about it makes you flinch.


Change is possible. All you have to do is make a plan and execute it as indicated. Say what you want to say it now and not later because that later may be bad news. Be open, be flexible. Evolve. Look at how it will feel to just empty your mind by speaking what is pressing on your mind.





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