Is ignorance really bliss?

Hello there,

Between you and me, I would like to say I love to know what am curious about. And yet there are some things that not knowing according to some, makes things a lot better. I say they do not. It just keeps on piling up the mystery in life itself. Earth, mother nature has a lot of secrets that cannot be discovered by one person in their life time because to know them, you have to have existed from the beginning. 

Fact: you can't change the world. There is one of you and a bunch of so many. You can't do anything about what you don't know about.

Unknown: can you possibly change the world now?

I had a conversation with a friend of mine today and he was talking about himself in context. His thoughts on issues and the like. Issues people hardly talk about. It got my attention because it was interesting all of it. And to get to know information about somethings I did not know. That was more. The whole thing just made me realise that indeed, there is a lot I do not know and maybe, just maybe, ignorance is bliss. 


But much is on the other side. Knowing is better. You know what you are in for. You know what is going on outside of yourself. What people in your situation would do. You know of people's ideas on issues that you thought nobody cared about only to find that it's an issue constantly thought about by people. Life truly is a mystery that somehow seems to want to keep to itself. To have no one figure it out even though some people think they do as they write lotsa self-help books or philosophies about the human condition and though pattern.


Weather is predictable. Apparently, there are models that are used to do so. But I cannot predict the outcome of me going to bed tonight. I will either wake up tomorrow morning or not. Remember my dream or not. Nevertheless, today will be gone, filed in mind and tomorrow will I call today. It is just out of habit of living that we know that if I sleep, I should probably wake up sometime later or if I sleep. My eyes are closed. A series of decisions and actions lead to an outcome that is probable if all is done well. Okay. Lol. I don’t know what am talking about. I will stop here.

Conclusion: Ignorance is temporally bliss!


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